Saturday, March 4, 2017

Don't Worry, Be Grateful

     Many people dismiss positive thinking as "New age" mumbo jumbo.  They snicker and sneer at the concept of thinking something into fruition.  So, is positive thinking one big joke?

No.  Positive thinking is just the gateway to many techniques that can be life-changing.  The law of attraction, gratitude, and action all work together to lead to a life of success.  Positive thinking is the catalyst that gets the ball rolling in the right direction.  Gratitude is the reason the ball keeps moving.

Here is one of my favorite Gratitude quotes by author Melody Beattie:

     The word Gratitude is not strange to most of us. We all at one time or the other must have come across the word a number of times in our lifetime. You might have probably heard of the adage, ‘Be grateful for small mercies’ or probably the one that says, ‘have an attitude of gratitude’. They just all signify that gratitude is a very important virtue we all should develop.

 One might think, ‘but I always express my gratitude to deserving people’. Yes, I agree with you but it is important to note that gratitude is more than just mere expression, it involves living a life of gratitude. It is not enough to just say the words thank you, it has to do with living by them. Gratitude is not something that should be reserved for situations like getting a new job, graduation ceremonies or in response to a gift received.   You can express gratitude all day, every day for some of the simple but appreciated things that life has gifted us. The fact that you can read this post and understand it is something that you can be grateful for.

I understand that we are not hardwired to expressing an attitude of gratitude, especially during tough situations. It is something that we need to develop just like we develop certain skills. The benefits are numerous.

Look out for things to be grateful every day:  A lot of people feel depressed on a daily basis because they forget the good things that happen to them but rather focus on the bad things. One of the best ways you can practice gratitude is by finding reasons to be grateful. It could be just for having a nice meal. Practicing this regularly will help change your perspective and when you are positive about life situations, you tend to achieve better. 

Be realistic about your gratitude: Are you one of those that that just express a heart of gratitude because you have been taught and read of its benefits. Learn to make it real. Let it flow from the inside and sooner than expected, it will become a part of you.

Take your relationships seriously: It is a known fact that our relationships with others will help to determine how happy we will be and will be a determining factor for the level of gratitude. Learn to develop healthy relationships and improve your gratitude towards them

Always express your gratitude: Expressing gratitude is not just a courtesy, it entails showing your heart. By doing this, you are obeying the two main principles of practicing gratitude which is to identify the goodwill and appreciating it genuinely.

·         Gratitude takes your mind off your worries and helps you realize how much you have.  You're more blessed than you may think.  

Practicing gratitude is a necessity if you want to live a healthy life. Although sometimes beginning the practice may be difficult. However, when you start it, it has a magnetizing power that will keep you going. All you need to do is to just Start, write down the things you have to be grateful for, feel it in order to make it real and most importantly share it.

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