Saturday, April 22, 2017


I have traveled a lot in my life and I have met all types of people.  I noticed that the one thing that successful people have in common is that they set goals.  Why are goals so important?  Setting goals gives you focus and organize your time and enables you to map out a plan to accomplishing those goals.

Purpose Figuring out your purpose and why things motivate you will go a long way to ensuring you achieve your goals.  The why is just as important as the how.  The motivation of why is the catalyst that creates the action to keep projects moving into the direction of completion.

Map it out:  When you create your goals you must create a plan to achieve the goal. It's important to create a plan and map out your plan to make your dreams come true.

Find your purpose, create a goal, and make a plan to take action to make your goals a reality.  Remember, you get what you give, so give generously.

Monday, April 17, 2017


Perception is the key to analyzing any event.  We all see things from our own vantage point.  How you view your life is the foundation that builds a successful life.  Your attitude will determine a lot, we’ve all heard the glass half full or glass half empty way of looking at things, and it is a good measure to see how the course of one's life will play out. 

Attitude is the first step to changing anything you want.  Taking action is what is actually going to get you to where you want to go in life.  When people come to me and complain about work or situations in their lives and they point out how others are treating them, I remind them that how they react is just as important.  We hear a lot about the morale at work and events and I like to remind each individual person that their personal attitude and behavior affects the morale of any situation.  Before you seek to change things around you, concentrate on changing the attitude within you.

Having a positive or optimistic attitude helps you to achieve more for yourself than a negative or pessimistic one.  Look inside and analyze your attitude towards specific situations, take action to make things happen, and have faith that the universe will give back to you what you give to it. 
When you cultivate and develop a positive attitude, you will acquire a power that is so strong yet humble that it is unstoppable.  The foundation of a successful person starts with authentic positivity.  You get what you give so give generously.

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Reap the benefits of kindness. 10X ❤️

KINDNESS                 I live by the motto, “You get what you give.”   There are an increasing number of recent scientific stu...