Sunday, August 2, 2015

Faith it until you Make it

                                                        Faith it until you make it! -Joel Osteen

     Change the course of your life today.  You control happiness and success in your life.  It all begins with how you think.  I was skeptical at first but after I started actually living the life of excellence and rooting only positivity in my thoughts, my whole life changed.  Yours will too.  It only takes one phrase or thought to get under your skin and stay with you and overrule all of the negativity that may have plagued your life and a whole new world will open up for you.  Below are some of the websites and people that have influenced my dramatic change.  Visit them and you will experience a different world.

It all starts with gratitude.  Are you appreciative of the things that you do have.  Take a moment, look around you.  Do you have fairly good health, a job, a family.  If you have any of these things then you already have something to appreciate.  The popular saying goes, "Never let the things you want make you forget the things you have."  Once you start living your life appreciating the small things then the bigger things will come. 


                                                            THE POWER IS IN YOU


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