Sunday, November 20, 2016

100 Words of Gratitude "Tiny Blessings"

100 words of Gratitude
We all have those days when we ask, "What do I have to be thankful for?"  Then we delve into the ugliness of finding all the things that are wrong with our lives.  It's easy to come up with the things that are wrong with our lives.  It can be a challenge to find the things that are right.  Start simple, with the seemingly small things.  When we start seeking things to be grateful for, the more things we will find to be grateful for.  We often take the simple things for granted.  Seek gratitude and you will find peace.

Friday, October 21, 2016

Gratitude, The Anxiety Cure?

Can practicing Gratitude help with Anxiety?

                "I hate my life," used to be the phrase that played in my mind several times a day.  Or I would slap my forehead and utter FML ($uck my life) every time something “bad” happened to me.   That used to be my self-talk along with many other unhealthy phrases that clogged my mind.  Why did I hate my life?  I was worried and anxious about everything that could possibly go wrong.   I worried about work deadlines, co-workers talking about me, my kids and social relationships.  I stressed over money, or the lack of money.  It was an insane cycle that I allowed to repeat daily.

                Per the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (, anxiety disorders affect 40 million adults in the United States.  Generalized anxiety disorder affects 6.8 million adults.  Social anxiety Disorder affects 15 million.  Men, women, and children are affected.  No one is immune.

                Anxiety can manifest itself in physical symptoms as well as mental.  Some of the physical symptoms include irritability, fatigue, restlessness, sweating, insomnia, nausea, abnormal heartbeat and trembling.  These symptoms can be debilitating and affect everything including school, work, home and social relationships.

                My self-talk was ugly.  I was my own worst enemy.   Now, I am at peace and the phrases that repeat in my mind daily are positive.  How did I turn that frown upside down?  It didn't happen over- night.  It took time, work, and effort.  What changed?  I started practicing gratitude.

                I started saying thank you and feeling grateful for all my life experiences.  So, “FML” turned into “Thank you Jesus”.  I started thanking God and the Universe for allowing me teachable moments through those unpleasant experiences.  Life happens.  I may spill coffee on my shirt right before a big interview or trip over my own feet and land flat on my face as I cross the street.  No matter what happens I am thankful for the experience and I move on.  I don't dwell on the bad and I celebrate the good. 

                Do you want to learn how to practice gratitude and find peace?  Subscribe today and start receiving the tools you need to turn your sour lemons into sweet lemonade.

Embed Power Phrases the Easy Way! Click Here

Sunday, October 16, 2016


Positive thinking will help you achieve success, good health, inner peace, happiness, satisfaction, and good relationship.  A positive attitude makes life promising and brighter.

Positive thinking is more than just repeating a few positive words, or telling yourself, “I can do it,” or “everything will be fine.” It has to be a permanent mental attitude.  Once we conquer the positive mindset we become better equipped to prepare for any challenges that come our way.  Positive thinking leads to positive actions that propels us to complete our goals. 

Below are few tips to help you build a positive thinking attitude.

1. Expect Great Things to Happen to You:

Think about success in everything you do; think about wealth and anything positive. Don't just imagine them happening, have a complete belief that they will come to pass.  There is a saying, "Prepare for the worst but hope for the best."  Consistently preparing for tomorrow will help you succeed today.  So, I say prepare for the best and believe it will happen.

2. Eliminate Negative Thoughts

Whenever you start being pessimistic about something, just relax, take a deep breath, and then replace any negative thought with a positive one.  We're so accustomed to the same thoughts that we've been telling ourselves for years so it's going to take work to replace negative thoughts with positive ones.  Find a power phrase that you connect with and use it when negative thoughts start to infiltrate your mind.  For example, when I start to think negative and feel like things aren't working out I quickly revert to my power phrase which is "If God is for me no man can stand against me."  This phrase makes me feel that no matter what happens in life I can conquer it.

3. Surround Yourself with Positive People

People with negative mindsets drain you daily and deter you from achieving your potential in life. This may be very hard if your best friend is a negative Nancy. The more we associate with positive thinking people, the more positive we will become in our thinking, and the more successful we will be in life.

4. Think it, believe it, See it!

Before you start a new activity or project, visualize the positive results you want to achieve from that project. Do not by any means let fear grip you, or visualize failures in the project if you do that, your fears will actually come to pass and the project will fail as visualized.  See it, believe it, and you will achieve it.

5. Destroy The “I Can Not” Mentality

I want you to understand that everything is possible through optimism. Stop saying “I can’t” and start saying “I CAN.” You may ask, what about saying, “I think I can?” My answer to that is NO! Do not say, “I think I can,” the ONLY thing you should say is "I CAN!" Once again, we can do anything if we are optimistic.


Here's a story about two men who approached the same situation with differently.

Rock and Benjamin applied for a new job, but Rock never had a positive thought about himself; he felt like a failure; “Other applicants are more qualified than me,” kept repeating in his mind. All through the week preceding the interview, Rock occupied himself with negative thoughts and fears concerning the job.

On the day of the interview, he woke up only to find out that the shirt he was supposed to wear to the interview was dirty, and the other one not ironed. He was running late so he had to skip breakfast and went to the interview wearing a wrinkled shirt.

When he was being interviewed, he was tense because of his fears and negativity, self-conscious about his shirt, and hungry – he couldn't concentrate on the interview, therefore, performed very poorly. In the end, his fears became a reality as he did not get the job.

On the other hand, Benjamin did exactly the opposite of what Rock did – he had POSITIVE thoughts about himself; he believed he was better and more qualified than the other applicants even though he had no idea who the other applicants were.  A day before the interview he prepared his clothes and kept them in good condition; he got a good night’s sleep; awoke early and ate breakfast and arrived to the interview early.

Benjamin gave a good impression of himself and his positivity and preparation made him confident, vibrant and smart – in the end, Benjamin got the job.

What we learned from Rock and Benjamin is that the way we think affects the way we behave; and ultimately, the way people see you.  Simply put, we bring about what we think about. Stay positive!

Monday, October 3, 2016



Do not withhold good from those who deserve it when it's in your power to help them.


100 Words of Gratitude "Gratitude Heals"

Healing with gratitude. 

     We do not heal the past by dwelling there; we heal the past by living and embracing the present.  The past can be full of pain and unpleasant memories.  Activating the gratitude mentality can start the process of healing the scars of the past. Say thank you to those who deserve it.  When you get out of bed, say a prayer of thanks for waking up and the opportunity to live.  Gratitude comforts the soul.  It smothers like a hug, feels as sweet as a kiss, and is as soft as a plush blanket.  Envelop yourself in gratefulness, it heals. 


Saturday, October 1, 2016

100 Words of Gratitude "Life"

100 Words of Gratitude


I actively practice the attitude of gratitude daily.  I verbally express my gratitude to God and the Universe for the privilege of living and breathing each and every day.  I am grateful for every breath that I take, for every step I am able to walk, and for being alive each day.  It can be easy to fall into the "I didn't ask to be born" mentality.  I choose to be of the mindset that I am blessed to have been born.   Life is a precious gift and a blessing that I am grateful for.  An attitude of gratitude heals.

Monday, September 5, 2016



I am extremely grateful for my health.  I always say that if I'm not physically 100% then everything else suffers.  I realized that I started to take my health for granted when I developed a severe headache over the weekend.  It was painful and I didn't want to go anywhere or do anything.  I wanted to just wallow in my pain but I forced myself to get up and move around which actually helped.  I finally took some medicine that worked a miracle.  I was suddenly pain free!  I am thankful that I experienced that pain and grateful that it was temporary.  It reminded me that there are many people living daily with excruciating pain.  I am blessed that I was reminded to be aware how blessed I am and to be aware and understanding of others that are going through worse. 

Daily affirmatioms and listening to encouraging messages are just two of the ways that keep me on the right path.  Click here to change your path!

Friday, May 6, 2016



Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend.- Melody Beattie

We are often bombarded by the theory that what you put out in the world is what you will get back; which is the law of attraction.  The popular term “ask, believe, and receive” is posted on billboards, shirts, and hanging on our living room walls  and we are told that “the secret” is just to ask, speak it into existence and you shall have.  Even our pastors are preaching from the bible to just ask and God will give.  Sounds easy right? So why do so many people start asking and end up with the same results or nothing at all?  What am I doing wrong?  Can someone tell me how to manifest and make things happen for me in my life?  Follow my journey and I will help you manifest everything you’ve ever wanted.  I am going to tell you “the secret” to the secret and how to access your magic limitless pill.

In the movie limitless, starring Bradley Cooper, the main character takes a pill that unlocks 100% of his brain power which turns him from a down on his luck writer into a suave financial success.  Many people today want to find their “limitless” drug.  The good news is you have an endless supply of the success drug because it is the power of your thoughts.  Change your thoughts and visions and you will change your life.  Easier said than done, the big question is how do we tap into this powerful magic mind pill.

It all begins with flipping the switch in your brain just like you would flip a light switch.  You are going to train your brain to focus on the power thoughts and to control your emotions so that you are sending only positive vibrations out into the world and those positive vibrations will boomerang right back to you like a Frisbee.

What we put into our bodies affect our physical health.  When we eat junk food we gain weight, when we overeat and gorge we get sick.  The same is with our minds.  What television shows are we watching?  What books are we reading?  Who are we spending our time with?  The environment we choose to navigate has an enormous influence on our lives.

I think the biggest changes come in small steps.  If the television shows we are watching are full of toxic negativity then we need to switch the channel or turn it off completely.  If you’re a reality television junkie then start off slowly eliminating one toxic program at a time.    If the environment feels toxic and unproductive then change your surroundings.

The hardest part and the most important and effective part is changing the way we think.   It’s not easy and it’s not going to happen over-night.  We are going to change our way of thinking by using the powerful gratitude tool.  Sign up now to start your journey to joy and abundance.  Also, follow me on twitter.

Saturday, March 12, 2016


Eight Simple Ways To Practice Gratitude Everyday

Being grateful for the small things will attract bigger things to be grateful for.

  1. Be humble to each and every individual that you meet.  You get what you give which means if you want respect and kindness you have to give it.
  2. It is necessary for you to remember all those souls, who have always been around you when you have been in problems. If you have had friends, who have never left you side in your bad times, welcome them in your life, whole-heartedly. Meet them as often as you can and be there for them whenever they call out for your help.  Time is the most precious gift you can give.
  3. Magnify gratitude by thanking God or the Divine Spirit for all that he has given to you.
  4. In order to practice the art of gratitude, you really need to focus on your inner self. We all have done a lot for ourselves; all you need to do is sit for a few minutes and thank yourself for being there with you all the time.
  5. In order to boost gratitude, teach it to others who wish to learn about it.
  6. Remember – a life lived with gratitude is a life LIVED; keep believing in the good times and thank yourself for all the support you get from within.
  7. You can easily amplify gratitude by simply saying thank you to those who deserve it.
  8. Take a few minutes each day to meditate on the things that you are thankful for in your life.  Activate gratitiude.

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Practice Gratitude & Initiate Blessings


“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.” Matthew 5:9

As a human being, it is our obligation to be thankful and grateful for all the things we have. Do not wait until you hit the lottery or find your soul mate to initiate gratitude. We are surrounded by things to be grateful for from the moment we wake up.

There are millions of benefits of gratitude. You must observe that people who are practicing gratitude in their daily lives are the happiest persons on earth. Gratitude and thankfulness provoke positive feelings and emotions inside you.

According to researchers, people have concluded that gratitude strengthens our immune system and makes our heart stronger as well.

Research by UC Davis psychologist Robert Emmons, author of Thanks! How the New Science of Gratitude Can Make You Happier, shows that simply keeping a gratitude journal—regularly writing brief reflections on moments for which we’re thankful—can significantly increase well-being and life satisfaction.

Never underestimate the power of thankfulness and gratitude. They have the power to turn struggles into blessings.

"Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend." Author-Melody Beattie

My Gratitude story:
When I began to hear about the law of attraction and how "You bring about what you think about", I was hooked.  The problem I had was that I didn't know how to get started and make it work for me.  How do you change the way you think?  I eventually figured out that what I allowed to enter my mind affected my thoughts and feelings on a daily basis.  So, I started to feed my mind Joel Osteen sermons.  I listened to them in the morning while I got ready, on my way to work, on my lunch break and any time I was on the road.  I found one sermon about confidence and I felt that I lacked confidence at work.  I listened to that sermon every single morning before I walked into work.  Two years in a row I was the employee of the year and I know I owe it all to changing my mindset by imprinting the right messages into my thoughts.  There is power in repetition.  See what other tools I used to imbed powerful thoughts here

Put Positive on AutoPilot!

If you need to improve your life, follow these tips and tricks.

1.   If you want to say thanks to someone you adore but do not have the courage to say it to their face, simply write an old fashioned thank you note.

2.   Make a gratitude calendar. Write one thing which you are grateful for and put it on the calendar. Practice it every day.

3.   Try to find out happiness in small things around you. A simple hot shower is truly a blessing because not everyone can afford that luxury. Think of it as a blessing of god and be grateful.

4.   Look in the mirror and say, "I appreciate you," or, "I'm thankful for you."

5.   Share positive posts and pictures on social media and try to spread the sense of gratitude all around you.

6.   Appreciate yourself. Appreciate whoever you are. Embrace all your flaws and say thank you to yourself for surviving all this time.

7.   Donate your money or more importantly your TIME to a charity or support a noble cause.

8.   Call or visit your parents and siblings and tell them how grateful you are due to their presence in your life.

These are just a few ways to show your gratitude and thankfulness. Come up with your own ideas as well and together we can make this world a better

Saturday, February 6, 2016

The knowledge and will to succeed resides within me.  I have the power. auctions buy the following premium domains:,,,,

Monday, January 11, 2016

Power Phrase: "In my life I accept joy and peace. Day in and day out; my blessings increase."

Wake up and repeat today's power phrase throughout the day.  Positive thinking is life changing when practiced and implanted into your everyday life.  The power phrases are aids that will help you to shift your thinking into the right direction.

Need help getting started? Click here


Power Phrase:  "I trust in the power of love and I am filled with blessing from above."

You can make things happen or you can make excuses.  We all face obstacles in our lives. Don't let those stumbling blocks stop you.  Break down and push away those big rocks that tumble into your path on the way to your dreams.

Many people have trouble getting started.  Check out the site below which can help you tune your thinking into the right direction.


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