Wednesday, January 4, 2017



2017 is here and there is no turning back.  We are welcoming a new U.S. President and world and life events are unfolding at a rapid pace.  We left 2016 a little jaded with many mass atrocities that hit both foreign and domestic territories.  We survived the Zika virus scare, Aleppo, and Brexit.  A lot of people face stress triggering situations on a daily basis.  It can be caused by a lot of factors both physical and otherwise. Pressure from work, death or problems with loved ones, financial problems, lack of sleep, and sickness are obvious stress triggers. Anything that affects the natural balance of the body is a stress trigger and how our body react to situations is what we know as stress.

Stress sometimes can be temporary and healthy. That slight rush when we're nearing a deadline and we push ourselves to complete the task is healthy stress.  However, if it becomes persistent and starts to infringe on our lives and hinder health and productivity then it can become dangerous.

Below are some important tips that will help you cope with stress

Discover your stress triggers: The most important step that we must not neglect in dealing with stress is to discover what causes our stress.. It could be work, pressure from family and friends, lack of sleep etc. The most important thing is to understand your body system and the things that causes stress for you.

Once you are able to discover the triggers of stress in your life, then you will be able to properly manage the stress in your life. Take a moment and self reflect and figure out what is causing you discomfort.

Change the situation where possible and learn to adapt to the ones that you cannot change: The fact is that we cannot totally avoid the factors that triggers stress. It is left for us to ascertain situations where we can avoid and the ones we need to adapt to. If you cannot avoid the situation, then you need to change your mentality about the situation. That way, it will help reduce the stress associated with certain events or situations.

Remain Positive: Maintaining a positive attitude towards situations in life is one of the ways we can reduce stress. Negativity is a stressor and the earlier we develop our mindset to be optimistic about life, the more peaceful we will become.

Exercise: Exercise is very important for the wellbeing of the body. If you want to live a healthy, stress-free and a longer life, then exercise need to be part of your daily or weekly routine.  Stay active and move.  Even if it means taking the stairs instead of the elevator at work or going for a walk after work.  Every action matters.

Find time to relax:  Find some Me time.  Take a deep breath, sit down for at least ten minutes with your eyes closed during the day.  It is most helpful to do this during lunch or right after a hard day at work.  Relaxation might involve listening to music, meditating, and or yoga.

Talk to someone about your feelings:  Are you stressed? Sharing your feelings with people you can trust can help alleviate the pressures of everyday life.  We all have the need to vent sometimes and it can be a great stress reliever.

Eat healthy meals: Some of us are so busy that we barely have time to eat healthy and balanced meals. Healthy eating is not only necessary for your physical growth and well-being, it also helps to relax the nerves and reduces stress.  Eating healthy will take time and some planning.  When we eat of out convenience we don't always make the healthiest choices.

Get a hobby: Do you have something that draws your attention? It could be reading books, playing or watching football, golf, watching tv, painting, building bird houses or just hanging out with friends.  Indulging in activities that makes you happy from the inside is a unique antidote to stress.

Set achievable goals: Don't beat yourself up.  We are often our harshest critic.  Set realistic goals that are inline with your true feelings.  In our journey to excellence we attempt to make everything around us perfect, we sometimes set unrealistic goals that will only leave us feeling like complete failures.  Set realistic goals and if you don't quite reach them, learn from the mistakes and use those mistakes on your journey to excellence.

At the end of the day, we're all stressed at some point in our lives. Hopefully some of these tips can help you deal with stress so you can live a healthy purposeful life.

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